The Kearney FDI Confidence Index® is an annual survey of global business executives that ranks markets that are likely to attract the most investment in the next three years. In contrast to other backwardlooking data on FDI flows, the FDICI provides unique forward-looking analysis of the markets that investors intend to target for FDI in the coming years. Since the FDICI’s inception in 1998, the markets ranked on the Index have tracked closely with the top destinations for actual FDI flows in subsequent years.
The 2024 Kearney FDI Confidence Index® is constructed using primary data from a proprietary survey of senior executives of the world’s leading corporations. The survey was conducted in January 2024. Respondents include C-level executives and regional and business leaders. All participating companies have annual revenues of $500 million or more. The companies are headquartered in 30 countries and span all sectors. Service-sector firms account for 46 percent of respondents, industrial firms for 45 percent, and IT firms for 9 percent.
The Index is calculated as a weighted average of the number of high, medium, and low responses to questions on the likelihood of making a direct investment in a select market over the next three years. Together, the markets presented to respondents in the survey received 95 percent of the world’s inward FDI flows in 2022, according to UNCTAD data.
Index values are based on responses only from companies headquartered in foreign markets. For example, the Index value for the United States was calculated without responses from US-headquartered investors. Higher Index values indicate more attractive investment targets.
All economic growth figures presented in the report are the latest estimates and forecasts available from Oxford Economics unless otherwise noted. Other secondary sources include investment promotion agencies, central banks, ministries of finance and trade, relevant news media, and other major data sources.