


GenAI is predicted to inspire revenue growth in 76 percent of organizations.

Only 4 percent qualify as Leaders in AI and analytics.

Forty-five percent of organizations cited a lack of technical expertise as a major barrier to GenAI adoption.





Fifty-one percent of companies still have what we call immature AI and analytics capabilities.

Global organizations are expecting to increase their data and analytics budget by 22 percent in the next three years.

Leaders are investing 69 percent more in GenAI initiatives than Laggards.

Fifty-one percent of companies still have what we call immature AI and analytics capabilities.

Seventy-eight percent of Leaders/Explorers, versus just 48 percent of Followers/Laggards, have well-defined AI and analytics goals.

Leaders, in particular, are investing 69 percent more in GenAI initiatives than laggards

Leaders have data and analytics teams with an average tenure of 9.1 years, compared to 4.3 years for Laggards.

Sixty-eight percent of Leaders, compared with just 17 percent of Laggards, said their goals are well-funded

Only 21% of Laggards have well—defined governance policies that are communicated to the entire organization.

Executive summary

In the past decade, the use of data insights has evolved from being a specialized "science" activity to becoming an integral part of nearly every business role. Today, employees are expected to generate insights in near real time and incorporate them into their daily responsibilities. As a result, it’s no surprise that companies have prioritized implementing advanced analytics to help them use data to improve their operational and financial performance. Those efforts have taken on even greater urgency with the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), with its power to transform how businesses and entire industries operate. In a world where AI increasingly serves as the gateway to insights, the quality and consistency of data must be accurate at its source. Poor-quality or inconsistent data can lead to inaccurate insights and flawed decisions. Unlike traditional analytics, where manual intervention such as data cleansing could mitigate issues, AI systems process data automatically at scale, amplifying any errors or inconsistencies present. As AI becomes more integrated into real-time decision-making processes, the need for high-quality, consistent data at the source is essential to ensure reliable and trustworthy outcomes.

Given this change, organizations often focus on the “cool” part—building AI use cases and exploring the art of possible. Some GenAI use cases are:

  • Productivity-enhancing point solutions
  • Strategic use cases to create vision
  • Innovation through business model transformations

However, the real challenge lies in the “hard” part—driving enablers to ensure AI use cases can find a path to scale. Some common pitfalls include:

  • Lack of functional alignment and expertise
  • No clear understanding of AI
  • Unawareness of risk and audit implications
  • Absence of robust cost management frameworks

Our research provides insights on how analytically mature organizations are tackling the “hard” part and therefore are at a better position in the AI implementation curve compared to their peers.

So, after all this work, where do companies stand today? And how can organizations that are less mature catch up?

According to new Kearney research, while companies have made progress, for the most part they still have a lot of work to do to get to the point where they have the AI and analytics capabilities that can have a game-changing impact on the business. More than half (51 percent) of companies participating in our research still have what we call immature capabilities—meaning, while they may have developed strategies and identified use cases for AI and analytics, they’ve struggled to build and scale the necessary capabilities for execution and put in place the management practices to sustain them. One slice of this group, comprising 3 percent of our survey sample, are what we deemed Laggards, who are struggling to capitalize on the power of AI and analytics to transform their business.

In this report, we present the results of our comprehensive survey of more than 1,000 companies around the world on where they stand with respect to AI and analytics. We discuss the progress companies have made in how they think about, build, scale, and govern their AI and analytics capabilities and the challenges they face in doing so. We also take a look at how companies are allocating their budgets to AI and analytics initiatives, as well as explore the key trends and best practices that emerged from our analysis of what the Leaders in our survey have achieved on their way to AI and analytics maturity.

Think: set a bold AI vision and strategy and identify high-impact use cases
  • Like any technology, AI for AI’s sake is a losing proposition. Anchor the technology on clear business objectives, goals, and vision to clearly articulate why you’re pursuing it.
  • A successful AI and analytics strategy must be tied to business outcomes. Identify desired outcomes and metrics needed to track progress continually to deliver tangible returns.
  • There are significant costs associated with AI and analytics, so it’s crucial to apply a mindset of total cost of ownership to ensure you’re not making huge investments at the outset that won’t deliver returns later on.
  • AI isn’t just about driving automation and efficiency. A much greater opportunity comes when AI is harnessed as an instrument for innovation, growth, and creativity.


Build: get the technology foundations right
  • Building the AI systems and platforms requires the right skills. It’s important to ensure you have the necessary talent in place—and go outside for it if you don’t.
  • Collaboration with business functions can provide significant value in the early stages of identifying and building the desired solutions. Tap into their expertise early and often to strengthen your AI game.


Scale: implement operating model shifts to drive AI and analytics
  • A corporate culture shift is required to move forward, as AI and GenAI experimentation must give space for failure—fail fast, fail cheap, and fail forward. It’s not essential to be a leader in AI and analytics, but a culture of continued learning and delivering business value is.
  • Data is a crucial business asset underpinning AI and analytics efforts and shaping success. To unlock data’s full value and dividends, data must be clean and accessible for all to use.
  • An AI-powered world requires a totally different operating model—it’s a game of AI plus human intelligence, working together. Thus, it’s crucial to provide the proper training and learning resources to give people what they need to use data to drive insights, make better decisions, create new products and services, and develop new businesses.
  • People help organizations leverage power of AI and analytics. Hire strong talent, incentivize them with performance-linked bonuses, and manage their career growth to minimize attrition.
  • AI will not replace humans, but it will fundamentally change the way we work. The greater risk is humans who embrace AI replacing those who don’t.


Govern: implement the right practices to sustain and enhance maturity
  • Digital safety and risk mitigation are foundational. Establishing the right governance, policies, and risk frameworks is paramount, as is applying the principles of safe and responsible AI.
  • Good quality data must be statistically representative, not just relevant and trustable. Robust data management practices are vital to ensuring that high-quality data is being used by AI and analytics tools and systems.

Around the world, becoming a data-driven business has risen to the top of the executive agenda. More than ever, companies are looking to use data, paired with AI and analytics, to equip their business, employees, and leaders to make faster, more accurate, and more relevant decisions, and improve decision outcomes, in complex and fast-changing business contexts. And now with GenAI taking AI to the next level, the opportunities for companies to use data to drive innovation, growth, and competitive advantage are virtually endless. The key question companies need to answer is: How do we do it?

To be sure, despite the progress companies have made in the past 10 years in advancing AI and analytics in their enterprise, our survey shows much work remains to be done. With a little more than half of participating companies reporting only, at best, moderate maturity across our think–build–scale–govern framework, this much is obvious.

On the other hand, the other half of companies, the analytically mature, have built truly robust AI and analytics capabilities. These companies—in particular, the small group of Leaders in our study—have the right strategies, infrastructure, leadership, talent, and operating model necessary to maximize their use of data. This foundation is becoming even more important as they begin broadly implementing GenAI. With mature AI and analytics capabilities, the Leaders and Explorers in our study are in a position to transform their business and rewrite the rules of competition—and others must use these companies’ experiences and approaches to help accelerate their progress to avoid being left behind.

The authors would like to thank Aadarsh Thakur, Akansha Baruah, and Ankit Mohanty for their valuable contributions to this report.