How we solve the problem differently

There’s no shortage of proven ideas out there: incubated, market validated, ready to scale. But combining such ideas with fully established businesses from scratch is hard work with a disappointing track record. FFWD brings a venture mindset to our corporate clients to combine the best of both worlds and specifically address the R&D innovation value gap that prevails within large corporations.

We address this value gap by focusing on three core beliefs:

  • Think forward to reimagine the business models required to future proof the organization and drive growth.
  • Bring products and services to market faster than your competitors.
  • Define a governance setup to create the operational and cultural change required across the entire organization for new products and business models to thrive alongside the core business.

The FFWD way

We not only shape and validate innovative ideas by leveraging our AI-augmented market intelligence from across industries, but we also work with you to rethink your engineering operating model—and the people capabilities, methods, tools, governance structure, and partnerships required to scale a new business. We’re not just consultants but entrepreneurs who use our experience working alongside global industry leaders to accompany you on your journey from start to finish. We want you to measure us on the impact we achieve for your organization.



Our five business-building game changers




The result of it all?

Less time and money wasted on trying to out-innovate. We bring decades of Kearney’s experience in delivering measurable productivity and apply that to developing and launching early-stage collaborations. Combined with a venture capital mindset, we target 3–4x the success rate of traditional venture building. With us by your side, you can turn your strengths into unfair advantage to integrate and grow ideas faster. You have the disruption gene. We will help you activate it. Together, we’ll see your core businesses moving out of survival mode and getting back to leading your industry once again.